

The place is known since mid 16th century as a borough. At the end of the 19th century Ilya had about 1500 residents with Jews dominating over other ethnic groups. There were weekly fairs, two churches and a school. Ilya has two old cemeteries - Christian cemetery is down Sovetskaya Street and to the right before you leave the village, Jewish cemetery of Ilya is on the outskirts of the village, as you are driving to the north.


Илья Могілкi

Ilya Old Christian Cemetery

Located in the south-western point of Ilya. If you are driving from Minsk, pass the church and continue along the same road to the end of the village. Opposite the cemetery there is a fuel station.

When adding a gravestone picture to graves.by, please make sure you took it with GeoTag (for Android) application.

папулярныя імёны

Юшко (12) Bryl (8) Stankiewicz (8) Juszko (8) Hrymoc (6) Zuk (6) Ulasewicz (6) Чиркевич (5) Бриль (5) Зеленко (5)

Ilya Jewish Cemetery

Old Jewish cemetery in Ilia, Minsk Region, Belarus. From P58 take a right turn by the Catholic church and proceed throughout the village till Dworets sign and then turn right into the field. Make sure your car has a high clearance. The cemetery fence is collapsing, the overall condition is above average.

When adding a gravestone picture to graves.by, please make sure you took it with GeoTag (for Android) application.

папулярныя імёны

Leib (2) Zimmerman (2) Sinder (2) Sassman (2)

Илья галерэя