Grodno Old Roman Catholic Cemetery

This graveyard is the city's oldest and one of the oldest cemeteries in Belarus. It dates back to the 1700s. Over two centuries Grodno residents were buried here and this allows genealogists and historians research different aspects of the city history. 

Cemetery map

Graves Actions

Popular names

Kiziukiewicz (21), Sarosiek (16), Jakimowicz (14), Obuchowicz (13), Siemaszko (11), Lewandowicz (10), Borkowski (9), Barcewicz (9), Juchniewicz (9), Zwierzewicz (9), Kuczynski (9), Lejnsztern (8), Mickiewicz (8), Toloczko (8), Sienkiewicz (7), Swidynowicz (7), Janowicz (7), Januszkiewicz (7), Kowalewski (7), Zabiello (7), Nowicki (7), Mackiewicz (6), Hrynkiewicz (6), Nowicka (6), Suchocki (6), Fordon (6), Lisowska (6), Malewicz (6), Borkowska (6), Wierzbicki (6), Gaponik (6), Kondratowicz (6), Zmiejko (6), Mazurkiewicz (6), Gruszko (5), Kuzmicka (5), Poczobut (5), Marcinkiewicz (5), Czuszel (5), Roszkowski (5)...