Pinsk Old Cemetery

The cemetery in Spokoynaya Street in Pinsk is its only surviving historic cemetery. It accommodates Catholic, Russian Orthodox, Jewish and military graves. In the early 19th century Christian Pinsk residents were buried in new locations to the north of Pinsk, a new Jewish graveyard was established nearby. The oldest graves date back to the early 19th century and often belong to the gentry.

The postwar decades saw rapid exansion of the city so the graveyards turned out to be in the middle of the living blocks. Before the cemeteries were closed in 1977 the old graves were reused. Since 1993 the cemetery in Spokoynaya Street is a historic asset and that may prevent it from being flattened.

When adding a gravestone picture to, please make sure you took it with GeoTag (for Android) application.

Cemetery map

Graves Actions

Popular names

Maracewicz (6), Kruss (6), Sacharewicz (5), Грибович (5), Филиппович (5), Rudnicka (4), Skirmunt (4), Jakobka (4), Skirmuntt (4), Frost (4), Rummel (3), Jaroszewicz (3), Kapszewicz (3), Skirmuntowa (3), Lukaszewicz (3), Флейтман (3), Twardowska (3), Wink (3), Torunska (3), Горелик (3), Зельман (3), Domanowski (3), Деменькевич (3), Глинер (3), Goroch (3), Roszkiewicz (3), Шульман (3), Korsak (2), Lewicka (2), Iwinski (2), Jablonska (2), Сыроватко (2), Бурдо (2), Kondracki (2), Pietrynicz (2), Beresniewicz (2), Terlecki (2), Zoltowska (2), Lewicki (2), Волкова (2)...